Menstruation & PMS – An Ayurvedic View

COMPULSORY reading for all MEN. It might help make you a better partner/ boss/ friend…so read on. Just skip to The ‘Tips for Men’ section at bottom if you don’t want/can’t handle, the details. Think of 3 letters that spark anguish into the mind of any woman in their middle years… P.M.S. While this can be a popular topic for jokes, it’s certainly no laughing matter for any woman who gets it (or their partners!). As I believe most people (men & women), don’t fully appreciate the seriousness of the ‘health affects’ associated with this ‘imbalance’, now we look at one way both ‘men’ & women can help alleviate the many problems associated with PMS.

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Spring Cleaning …for your body too!!!

Spring is the best time of year not only for cleaning your brick house but also for your more important house – your body. So we have some tips for some ‘internal’ spring cleaning to help you feel great inside & out. 1. START TO REDUCE YOUR OVERALL FOOD INTAKE – ESPECIALLY ‘HEAVY/OILY’ FOODS Remember, our digestive fire is strongest in winter, but reduces as we progress towards the warmer months. Eating the same foods now as you did in winter will be harder to digest, so begin going towards a ‘lighter diet’. Particularly in Spring, remember…’To feel Bright…Eat Light’.

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Office Health – Bringing Nature (Plants) to You!

BRING NATURE TO YOU: Ever noticed that by the end of the week, you just want to ‘get out of your stuffy office’ and ‘get some fresh air’/get back near Nature? One of the best ways to avoid that feeling as well as to improve your mood, workplace productivity, energy levels & resistance to illness is to bring Nature to you. A study by Professor Margaret Burchett, of the University of Technology, Sydney, found that potplants can reduce air toxins by as much as 20%. A study on houseplants has shown they reduce, fatigue, sore throats & cold symptoms by over 30%. What about at work? Studies in Europe have shown potplants in the office can reduce ‘sick leave’ by 60%.

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Sweet Cravings – how to reduce them

Do you ever get sweet cravings, even though you have just eaten? Ever wondered what to do about them? Here’s 3 simple things that can help. 1. UNDERSTAND CRAVINGS ARE NATURAL, BUT REDUCE STRESS Don’t be hard on yourself or feel you a are ‘weak’ to give in to cravings. Your body is ‘infinitely intelligent’ and cravings are just its way of telling you what you need. The problem is when we are stressed, because then we ‘choose’ non-healthy ways to satisfy the craving. So the No.1 Step is always to reduce stress, get plenty of rest and follow a good daily routine.

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Winter Salads – Why they are not Ideal!

Do you like salad sandwiches because they’re easy & healthy? Do you think eating ‘rabbit food’ all year round is a good thing? While it’s true salads / salad sandwiches etc are better than a pie & chips (most of the time!), in winter it’s important not to overdose on salads. While reducing your chances of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, the ancient science of Ayurveda, explains that too much ‘cold’, ‘dry’ (non-oily) rabbit food (especially in winter), can increase your incidence of joint pain, digestive & circulation problems, migraines /headaches, lowered immunity (more colds/flu’s) etc.

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Grazing – Ayurveda’s View

“Don’t be a Cow” …nothing personal, I’m talking about ‘grazing’. Grazing – eating lots of small meals regularly throughout the day has become an all popular pillar of many weight loss & energy boosting regimes in recent times. It came about because most people generally eat ‘too much’ at any given meal, thus overloading their digestion, leading to sluggishness & weight gain etc.

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Winter Hibernation - as Mother Nature intended!

Do you ever get tired of trying to be a dynamic, high energy, high activity person all year round? Well the good news is, you not only don’t need to be, but it’s actually healthier if you don’t try to be. That’s right. You see, the ancient science of Ayurveda explains that just as there are daily ‘rejuvenation’ cycles (you can’t be dynamic during the day if you don’t get proper rest at night), there are also powerful ‘seasonal’ cycles of rest & activity.

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Warm Milk for Better Sleep

Having trouble getting to sleep or would just like a more settled sleep? From Western science, we know that an essential amino acid called ‘tryptophan‘, helps promote sleep. In Ayurvedic science, we know that ‘warm nourishing’ things, help settle the nervous system and therefore assist settled sleep. Put the two together and we see why ‘warm milk’ (milk contains ‘tryptophan’) is a great age-old remedy* for sleep.

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Metabolism Boosters

Metabolism is one of the popular buzzwords these days. Like to make sure your metabolism – basically the process of converting food into energy and using that energy (calories) to run your body – is at its peak? If you are having trouble shifting a few kilograms, feeling a little sluggish or just want to stay energised and feeling great, try these.

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Space – The Key to Better Life Balance

Are you enjoying good Work-Life Balance? If so great, if not read on for the all important first step.
We know creating better life balance is about being clear on what’s most important/meaningful for us, eliminating the ‘small’ stuff & prioritising etc etc, however many of us never get around to doing it…because our life is so full/’busy’. To enjoy the life balance we desire, we need to break this cycle and create some ‘space’ in our life. Without periods of space, silence…doing ‘nothing’ (argggghhhh!), we can never truly know what it is that we most desire, what it is that will bring us the balance & fulfillment we crave.

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Emotional or Physical Health – which is more important?

Do you think that there are 10 things, far more important for your health than eating the right food or exercising regularly etc? Backed up by both modern & ancient health science research and based on the now irrefutable truth that, your ’emotional health’ is far more important long-term than physically ‘being healthy’- having the ideal diet etc (that is still good), we have devised a special list of ’10 more important things for a healthy, happy life than proper food & exercise’. We will send out one of these regularly, starting today. We hope you enjoy.

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Winter Colds and Flu – How to avoid them

There’s nothing like a cold or flu spreading through an office or workplace to sabotage individual and team productivity and performance. Would you like to cruise through winter this year without coming down with a cold or flu? If so, then ‘now’ is the time to get preventing. The seasons are a changing and now (Autumn – on the change of seasons) is when the imbalances that cause colds & flu’s start. Follow the tips below to enjoy a cold & flu free winter this year.

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Seed Power

Like to know a really easy way to help get your daily intake of essential minerals, fibre, omega 3 & 6 and amino acids? Add some SEEDS to your diet. Sue Nelson wrote a fantastic article on seeds just a month ago in the SMHerald. I couldn’t agree more. As Australians – due to poor soil quality, poor food choices (processed foods etc) and poor digestion – we are generally mineral deficient. Most dieticians agree that it’s not vitamins we have to worry about so much but minerals. Below I have listed some common seeds you can use to boost your diet – their benefits etc.

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How to ‘Spice’ Up Your Health

Would you like to add massive anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant & digestion / metabolism boosting activity to your body each day? Sometimes we can get so consumed analyzing calories, fat ratios, vitamin %’s etc, we forget about the unbelievable power of traditional herbs/spices – not the KFC variety!!! As a rule, we westerners don’t use spices nearly enough, so this week, if you are not already, add some or all of the following into your cooking to start reaping some amazing benefits.

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Weight Loss – Is High or Low Intensity Exercise Best?

If exercising for weight loss/weight management, don’t make the mistake that you have to exercise at high intensity. It’s commonly prescribed that the higher intensity, the greater the calories we burn. While this is true (during exercise), the calories burned in one high intensity workout is insignificant in comparison to the calories from one decent meal.

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Raw Milk – Healthy or Hazardous?

In the news this week was a major article about whether raw milk (unpasteurised) was healthy or harmful. If you are not aware, there is quite a large underground movement of people who drink raw milk. I.e. milk that is unpasteurised. However, because unpasteurised milk is considered illegal by authorities (in Australia), health food shops that sell it, can only sell it for ‘cosmetic purposes’, often labelling it as ‘bath’ milk (e.g. Cleopatra’s Bath milk)..

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Ayurvedic Wisdom of Dr Raju – Pt 1

I’ve just returned from a month in India with one of India’s greatest exponents of Ayurvedic medicine – Doctor JR Raju. It was said that there are only five families in India/the world that possess the full knowledge of Ayurveda, and that Dr Raju belongs to one of them. Anyway, I thought this month (and next) you might enjoy some of the more ‘everyday’ health wisdoms as recounted by Doctor Raju in a few of the seminars and private meetings I was fortunate enough to have with him. I have started with three tips. I hope you enjoy.

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