Seed Power

Like to know a really easy way to help get your daily intake of essential minerals, fibre, omega 3 & 6 and amino acids? Add some SEEDS to your diet. Sue Nelson wrote a fantastic article on seeds just a month ago in the SMHerald. I couldn’t agree more. As Australians – due to poor soil quality, poor food choices (processed foods etc) and poor digestion – we are generally mineral deficient. Most dieticians agree that it’s not vitamins we have to worry about so much but minerals. Below I have listed some common seeds you can use to boost your diet – their benefits etc.

Where appropriate, I have also mentioned any cautions from the Ayurvedic perspective, as not all seeds are appropriate for all people at all times.


Great for Calcium and therefore bone strength – sesame is one of the No.1 sources of Calcium after dairy. Also good for Magnesium, Tryptophan (the precursor to Serotonin – mood elevator) and Iron. Sprinkle seeds directly on foods or use paste (Tahini).

* Note: Sesame/Tahini is very ‘hot/heating’ – use with caution in summer or where there is a heat-based condition.


Good for Foliate, Omega 3, Manganese. Can be good in arthritis, irritable bowel and high cholesterol. (Do not self-treat though).

* Note: The seeds need to be ground fresh for best results as the oil is highly unstable and goes rancid quickly. Linseed in breads etc are next to useless. – care of Dr’s John Piesse & Joachim Fluhrer.

**Ayurvedic Caution: Linseed is very very heating. Recommending it for ‘anyone’ with symptoms/condition A,B,C etc is not good. Be careful in summer, if you have a ‘hot’ (pitta) constitution or where there is already a heat-based condition – acute inflammatory arthritis, ulcers etc.


Good source Tryptopan (Serotonin), Zinc, Iron, Manganese etc and highly recommended for healthy prostate, bone strength, arthritis (anti-inflammatory effects).


Great for Vit E, Vit B1 and Selenium, making it good for cardiovascular health, nerves & muscles and anti-inflammation.

*For those trying to keep their weight in check, using Sunflower ‘oil’ in cooking can be good. It’s a ‘lighter’ oil and also cooling, so it’s great in the hotter months.

Final tip:

Dont’ forget the fruit seeds – Apples, Pear, etc.


Mark Bunn is the Founder of Dharmic Living and author of the three-time best-selling ‘Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health‘.


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