Ayurvedic Wisdom of Dr Raju – Pt 2

In contrast to our modern Western way of wanting to go ‘cold turkey’ or change bad habits ‘overnight’, in Ayurveda, it is recommended that any behavioural change is done gradually. Doctor Raju even mentioned that this applies when wanting to give up or change some ‘unwholesome’ or ‘health compromising’ behaviour. E.g. smoking, weaning off drugs or eating yoghurt at night.

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Sunlight… Why You Should Avoid It At Your Peril!

A Natural Wisdom Guide to the Importance of Sunlight, Why Getting ‘Too Little’ Midday Sun Can Be Fatal and a More Holistic View of Skin Cancer This article is an extended version of what appears in Mark’s first book of his ‘Wisdoms of Health’ series: ‘Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health’ – the simple secrets of the world’s healthiest and longest living people. Do you think that the only problem regarding the sun is getting too much…as opposed to too little?

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Organic Food – Healthier or Not?

I was walking past the fruit & veg section in the supermarket the other day, and seeing those shiny, oversized, plastic looking, almost fake, pieces of fruit made me think of Hollywood actresses (shiny, oversized, plastic looking …but generally fake!). Then I thought, “I wonder if people like you, stop to consider how those tomatoes look so shiny (chemical sprays), how those apples get as big as Texas (growth accelerants) and why those strawberries left over from World war II, still haven’t rotted (irradiation)!!!”

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Sun Exposure & Vitamin D – Why You Need to Get Naked at Noon?

Did you know that getting some sun at the exact time most experts tell you NOT to – in the ‘middle of the day’ – may in fact be absolutely critical for your health! With some great media coverage and work by groups such as the Australian Cancer Council over the last few years, most of us are now aware of the widespread problems associated with vitamin D deficiency.

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Breakfast – Is ‘NOT’ the most important meal of the day

An abbreviated excerpt from ‘Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health’ – Book 1. If you have heard anything about healthy eating in recent times, you will no doubt be aware of the suggestion that ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’. Alternatively, ‘You need to have a good, hearty breakfast to get your day off on the right note’. Or, ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper’. As this is a fairly universally accepted part of modern health science these days, it is worth seeing if it is true. In two words, it’s ‘ABSOLUTE RUBBISH!’

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Soy Products – Super food or Super Scam?

This week, we have some interesting information on the highly topical area of soy products. If you have been hearing the latest reports on soy foods you may well be confused. Some experts tout soy as being one of the greatest foods of our time, while others believe it can be responsible for such seemingly far out things such as the feminisation of boys and for increasing the risk of breast cancer. Another study out just a week or so ago suggested that high consumption of soy products may indeed compromise our health due to the high levels of phyto-oestrogens. And just this week, the media have been reporting that importers of soy milk brand Bonsoy are facing a class action from customers because say they were left with permanent thyroid problems from an iodine content seven times the recommended level. (This is a classic example of what can happen when we consume ‘artificially maniplulated’ products … even though the ‘original’ product may be natural).

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