Connect with Mark
Mark’s Three-Time Best-Selling ‘Ancient Wisdom For Modern Health’ Book
Mark’s Podcast - Ancient Wisdom For Modern Health

Mark’s Corporate Speaking & School Talks
Know a business group or school that would like one of Mark’s high-energy, high-fun conference or PD Day talks? Mark has been one of Australasia’s most booked Health & Wellness Speakers for the last 20 years. Check out & forward on any of the links below.
Mark Bunn's Health & Performance TALKS BROCHURE
Meditation Information
Like help finding a suitable TM meditation teacher near you?
Simply email Mark with your location and he’ll be happy to help where he can.
Transcendental Meditation (TM) - AUSTRALIA
Transcendental Meditation Centres WORLD-WIDE
Introduction to Transcendental Meditation Book / EBook / Audio Book

Ayurveda Health Retreats
In Ayurveda, the most powerful rejuvenation and purification treatments are called Panchakarma. Dharmic Living Founder, Mark Bunn, is the Ayurvedic Ambassador & Head of Education at one of the world's premiere Ayurveda resorts at Sukhavati in Bali.
If you are keen on some Ayurvedic rejuvenation in the lap of Bali luxury and tranquility, contact Mark at mark@dharmicliving.com. Also, feel free to visit the Sukhavati website
Further Resources
Weekly Newsletter Inspiration - FeelGood Friday
Join the Dharmic Living Community and get a short email from Mark each week related to all things health, wellbeing, Ayurveda and higher consciousness. SIGN UP HERE
Mark’s BLOG + Featured Articles & Popular Topics
Mark’s Future of Health White Paper
Earthing (Mark's groundbreaking...pardon the pun! article)
Indoor Earthing Products | The 5 Minute Journal (re gratitude, positive journalling etc)
The Importance of Morning Sunlight
Mental Health, Vulnerability, Shame Resources
The Power of Vulnerability - Brene Brown - TED Talk The Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown
We hope that helps
If you need anything further feel free to contact Mark’s office anytime. info@dharmicliving.com Ph: 1300 55 80 32