Panchakarma: Ayurvedic Medicine Royal Rejuvenation

Ayurveda Panchakarma treatment - Shirodhara

The foundation of rejuvenation and purification in Ayurvedic medicine is known as ‘Panchakarma’. Pancha means five, and karma means action or treatment. The five actions to restore complete mind-body balance and rejuvenate the entire physiology. Based on the wisdom of the Ayurvedic rishis going back thousands of years, Panchakarma is considered the most powerful of all treatments for both acute and chronic health conditions.

Panchakarma is not just recommended for those who are sick however. Healthy individuals receive incredible benefits in terms of prevention of illness, inner cleansing, detoxification and all-round revitalization.

So much more than a Detox or Colon Cleanse:

If you think panchakarma is just like a detox program or getting a colon cleanse, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Colonics and conventional purification treatments can eliminate water-soluble toxins and deliver a ‘superficial’ level of cleansing. Panchakarma however, assuming one completes the 3 stages of treatment (see below), draws out impurities and toxins from the deepest levels of one’s physiology, including fat tissue.

Panchakrama has been shown to remove fat-soluble toxins, such as DDT, PCB’s and dioxins — the most dangerous environmental toxins – and is the only scientifically validated way to remove fat-soluble carcinogenic chemicals from the body’s adipose tissue.
Typical spa treatments or regular cleanses are unable to do this.

Sukhavati Bali

Dharmic Living is proud to partner with Sukhavati in Bali – one of the world’s premier Ayurveda Panchakarma health retreats. Read More

Panchakarma - The 3 Stages of Treatment:

The full benefits of Panchakarma are produced when one completes all three important phases.

  • This is the preparation stage – preparing the mind and body for the most effective cleansing and purification. It includes herbal medicines and a specific diet to liquefy and dislodge toxins so that they can be easily removed.

  • Specific treatments, e.g. massages, steam baths, soothing head oil procedures, and medicated enemas, based on individual consultation. Treatments eliminate toxins, balance the doshas, strengthen specific tissues and organs, as well as revitalize all levels of mind and body.

  • Post-treatment phase focused on powerful herbal preparations, known as ‘Rasayanas’, to further strengthen and rejuvenate the entire physiology.

“Panchakarma was traditionally known as the ‘royal treatment’, as it was often only available to Kings, Queens and the like. Though traditionally prescribed at the change of each season, in today’s busy times, doing it even once every year or two is one of the best things we can do to restore our mind and body back to optimum functioning. 

In terms of restoring our health, the traditional texts talk about other health treatments, e.g. proper diet, taking herbs etc, ‘pacify’ any existing imbalances in our doshas (the governing principles of the body). In Panchakarma however, it is like completely uprooting and thus eliminating our imbalances at their source.” 

Mark Bunn – Dharmic Living Founder