Thermos Flask Meals

Best to cook as normal & put in thermos (pre-heated with hot water). If you don’t want to cook first, put all ingredients (veggies & grain) in thermos & add corresponding boiling water so that they cook in the thermos. The exact amount of water needed will vary depending on how much grain you use (see packet) & how good your thermos is. At first, err on the side of extra water and reduce to suit. Use fresh herbs & add salt etc at time of eating.

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RecipesMark Bunn

Ghee is clarified butter. Although it is prepared completely from butter, its properties, according to Ayurveda, are very different from butter itself. In many cases, ghee is recommended to be used in the diet. Even though ghee is understood not to raise cholesterol levels, if you have a cholesterol problem, check with your doctor / consultant before using ghee. If this has been recommended for you, you may either purchase ghee – consult whoever prescribed it for you as most commercial ghee is not very good. Home made ghee is always much better.

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RecipesMark Bunn
Light Dinner Suggestions

According to the time-tested principles of Ayurvedic medicine eating heavy hard to digest foods at night is the seed for all disorders – from fatigue, excess weight through to serious disease. These problems are magnified if also eating late. Eating a ‘light’ dinner (according to appetite) reasonably early (digested by the time you go to bed) is one of the single most important things you can do for your lifelong health, happiness and personal performance.

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RecipesMark Bunn
Basil & Cashew Dip

This is a great little recipe for having on dry biscuits, or dipping celery or carrot sticks etc. into. Great as an afternoon snack, or for serving at lunch/dinner parties for your friends.

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RecipesMark Bunn
Vegetable Pakoras

Kids and adults alike love these. This recipe is based on the Indian Pakora, which is a fried vegetable fritter dish made with besan (chickpea) flour. When the fritters are cooked with this flour it adds flavour and crunchiness. They are ideally served with chutney.

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RecipesMark Bunn
Oat or Semolina Porridge


  • rolled oats/oatmeal or ground semolina – both available at health food shops and some supermarkets)

  • turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, ground ginger, saffron (optional)

  • fresh dates and/or raisins

  • raw or preferably unprocessed sugar (Rapadura or Muscovado)


In a saucepan, before turning on any heat…

  • add about 1/2 a cup per person of oats or semolina

  • add milk according to the consistency you like (usually about double the quantity of oats or semolina* If trying to lose weight, instead of using skim milk, use 1/2 milk and 1/2 water

  • Stir the mixture to an even consistency before adding heat (this will reduce lumps)

  • Put on low/medium heat and while regularly stirring…

  • Add cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric & ground ginger – 1-2 pinches per person

  • Saffron – 4-5 hairs (optional)

  • 1-2 dates cut into small pieces or 15- 20 raisins

  • Sugar to taste

  • Continue stirring (and adding more milk or hot water if needed) until cooked.

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RecipesMark Bunn
Morning Power Cleanse

To assist your body’s natural ‘elimination cycle’, take one of the following, first thing each morning.

  1. One Glass of ROOM TEMPERATURE WATER (even better if boiled for 5+ minutes first & then cooled)

  2. One Glass of BOILED WATER with 10-20 drops of FRESH LEMON JUICE and 2 teaspoons of ALOE VERA JUICE

* Females – Do NOT take the Aloe Vera if menstruating!

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RecipesMark Bunn
Medicated Milk Recipe – for Settled Sleep

Having trouble getting to sleep or would just like a more settled sleep? From Western science, we know that an essential amino acid called ‘tryptophan’, helps promote sleep. In the science of Ayurveda, it is known that ‘warm nourishing’ things, help settle the nervous system and therefore assist settled sleep. Put the two together and we see why ‘warm miilk’ (milk contains ‘tryptophan’) is a great age-old remedy* for sleep.

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RecipesMark Bunn
Stewed Apples or Pears



  • 1-2 green apples (some varieties cook more easily than others) or pears

  • 2-3 cloves

  • 2 pinches ginger powder

  • Optional – Rapadura sugar (or other unrefined sugar or Stevia), cardamom, cinnamon, liquorice (to taste), raisins

Quantities: based on 1 person – increase accordingly.

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RecipesMark Bunn
Cous Cous / Semolina & Vegetables


  • fresh ginger (fruit & vegie shop)

  • turmeric, coriander, cumin seeds, others you like (supermarket)

  • black mustard seeds, asoefitida/hing (Indian/ Asian market/grocers)

  • semolina (coarse best) or cous cous (both in supermarket/health shop)

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RecipesMark Bunn
Spicing Meals


  • fresh ginger (fruit & vegie shop)

  • turmeric, coriander, cumin seeds, others you like ( supermarket )

  • black mustard seeds, asoefitida/hing (Indian/ Asian market/grocers)

Quantities: based on 2 people

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RecipesMark Bunn
Mark’s Super Green Healthy Breakfast Juice

People often ask what I have for breakfast. I have a variety of things, depending on the season, my appetite, and what ‘I feel like’. but here is one of my all-time favourites – its super healthy, super delicious, and super green.


Put the following in a blender;

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RecipesMark Bunn